10+ Simple Sewing Projects for Teens and Tweens | Sew Simple Home
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10+ Simple Sewing Projects for Teens and Tweens

I remember my first sewing project.  I wanted to learn to sew when I was a junior in high school.

I asked one of my church leaders to help me.  I made some pajama pants and a t-shirt quilt.
Let them be creative and sew with these simple sewing projects for teens.

Looking back, I realize that maybe that t-shirt quilt was little over my head in the sewing department.  I wouldn't advice any new sewer to start with a knit project.

I love sewing with knits now, but back then it gave me so much trouble.  I really didn't know what I was doing.

However, those projects were my "gateway drug" to sewing.  I feel in love with it.

Of course, it would still take me several years and an entire college degree later to realize what my true calling in life was.

Being a teacher!  But not just any teacher, but a sewing teacher.

I taught high school fashion design for 8 years.  Continue to teach tweens and teens alike to sew every summer from my home.  

Along with this blog where I continue to teach teens to sew and really people of all ages to sew.

I can promise you that these projects are tried and true and that my teen and tween students love them.

And it gives them a lot of satisfaction when they finish a project successfully.

I hope your young sewist will enjoy these projects as well.

Simple Sewing Projects for Teens

sewing projects for teens

sewing projects for teens

sewing projects for teens

easy sewing projects for teenagers

easy sewing projects for teenagers

easy sewing projects for teenagers

sewing crafts for teens

sewing crafts for teens

sewing crafts for teens

sewing projects for teens

sewing projects for teens

sewing projects for teens

sewing projects for teens

sewing projects for teens

There you have it!  So many fun and easy sewing projects for teens.

I hope they enjoy these projects as much as my students do.

Let them be creative and sew with these simple sewing projects for teens.

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