Simple and Creative Homemade 4th of July Decorations | Sew Simple Home
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Simple and Creative Homemade 4th of July Decorations

The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays.

Our home was always decorated with homemade 4th of July decorations and filled with family and friends.

I grew up in Phoenix and the 4th was hot and dry.  We weren't able to have our own fireworks as it is illegal, but we'd always find some way to watch a big display.

There was so much excitement around celebrating America's Birthday.

We'd have a BBQ and swim or play in the sprinklers.  Always enjoying time with family and friends.

List of great homemade 4th of july decorations that you can make yourself and add a patriotic feel to your home or party.

This post contains affiliate links to products I recommend.  I do make a portion off any you may purchase.  See full disclosure here.

Now that I have my own family, we carry on many of those same traditions.

Like going to a HUGE fireworks display that our little town puts on each year.  We still enjoy a BBQ with friends and family.

What's the difference?  We live in Idaho and can have our own fireworks if we wish.

One other difference is the fact that I have my own home and can come up with my own 4th of july party decoration ideas.

Homemade 4th of July Decorations

Creating a simple homemade party isn't as time consuming as you might think.  With just a few supplies and some creativity, you can have a beautiful table without braking the bank.

Materials Needed

Let's start on the bottom and work our way up.  The table is covered using red, white and blue handkerchiefs.  

homemade 4th of july decorations

I simply alternated them and overlapped them.  You could stitch them together to make a more permanent solution, but I like that I can use them for other things as well.

Next, are the denim placemats.  

homemade 4th of july decorations

Made from recycled denim jeans, you can get the Denim Placemat Pattern and Fireworks Embroidery File for free from Sulky.  

Make sure with the denim placemats that you press the seams really well during the sewing process so that are nice and flat.  Makes a big difference.

homemade 4th of july decorations

Use more handkerchiefs as napkins for a fun touch of color.

Teriyaki Chicken Kabobs are a great meal for the entire family.

chicken kabobs

If you are serving a crowd, you can prepare them ahead of time and let them sit in the fridge until you are ready to grill.

For the stand, just turn a square bowl upside down and place a white plate on top.  These were in my collection and it was an easy addition to the table.

patriotic centerpieces

For patriotic centerpieces, take old mason jars or pickle jars and spray paint the mason jars for some quick homemade 4th of July decorations.

It is a super easy project that is great for any party or seasonal decor.

patriotic centerpieces

Fill the jars with rocks, sand or even beads and use the free pinwheel cut file to create your own patriotic pinwheels to put into the jars.

Cut dowels in different heights so your pinwheels all fit.

patriotic pinwheels

You can also make giant pinwheels with the cut file.  These can be staked in the ground by the table or even on your porch or in flower pots.

4th of july table decorations

Sting up some 4th of July Star Bunting with the free sewing pattern.  

This bunting is strung in a tree, but if you have a wall or fireplace, it looks great there too!

4th of july table decorations
Little chalkboards are great for labeling food or as place settings for guests. 

4th of July party decoration ideas

I'll tell you my secret.  I use all my decorations in my home during the season as decorations.  

When it is time for the party, I pull them all together and use them to decorate the table.

I get much more use out of them and feel better about spending time creating because I can use them year after year.

Once you place all the homemade 4th of July decorations together you have a beautiful table that your guests will love and didn't take as long as you thought.

List of great homemade 4th of july decorations that you can make yourself and add a patriotic feel to your home or party.

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