Easy Fall Felt Garland Pattern | Sew Simple Home
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Easy Fall Felt Garland Pattern

The definition of garland is technically a circle or leaves and other materials.  Which makes this project halfway correct.  But really when we think of garland, we often think of greenery on a mantel or hanging from a door or window.

fall felt garland
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    With that definition in mind, this fall felt garland would be spot on.  It is made of leaves, pumpkins and candy and hangs great on windows, doors and even across a mantel or tabletop.

    felt leaf garland diy

    Plus, it is super quick and easy.  Which makes it a perfect fall project for any sewing beginner.  The most time consuming part is cutting out all the felt pieces.

    I could see this hanging in a classroom or across a Thanksgiving table.  Or hanging in a front window like at my own home.

    fall felt garland

    Whatever way you choose to hang your fall felt garland, I know it will add some color and fun to your fall decorations.

    Add fall colors to any window or door with this easy fall felt garland sewing project.

    DIY Fall Felt Garland

    Materials Needed

    VIDEO:  Fall Felt Garland DIY

    Candy Corn Garland Pieces

    fall felt garland
    Step 1
    Cut out all the felt pattern pieces using the instructions on each pattern piece.  

    felt leaf garland diy

    Step 2
    Take the 3 candy corn pieces and place them together.  White on the top and orange on the bottom of the yellow base.

    diy fall felt garland
    Step 3
    Stitch around the white top and orange bottom.  Trim the excess felt that may have moved during sewing.

    Repeat these steps for any other candy corn pieces you would like for the garland.

    Pumpkin Garland Pieces

    fall felt garland
    Step 4
    Cut out pumpkin pieces in orange felt.

    felt leaf garland diy
    Step 5
    Place the pumpkin topper in the center of the pumpkin base.  Stitch around the circle of the topper.

    Repeat steps with any other pumpkin garland you wish to add.

    Assembling Garland

    fall felt garland

    Step 6
    Cut out leaves in green and red felt.  Cut the amount you wish to use for your garland.

    felt leaf garland diy

    Step 7
    Create a pattern with your felt pieces.  Start a chain stitch on the sewing machine.  Stitch down the center front of the first felt piece.  Continue stitching past the felt piece for a couple inches and add the next felt piece.

    If this is confusing to you, make sure to check out the YouTube video.

    fall felt garland

    Tie a loop in the top of the garland and hang from a removable Command Strip Hook.

    You've just added a little more color to your fall windows and doors.  Plus, it was super inexpensive and reusable.  That means you won't have to come up with something new next year.  

    Or you won't have guilt if you change your mind and decide to try something different next year.

    felt pumpkin garland

    Get the Pattern

    Want the free Fall Felt Sewing Pattern?  Simply click the button below to download

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