DIY Traveling First Aid Kit Pattern | Sew Simple Home
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DIY Traveling First Aid Kit Pattern

When you are on the go, having a first aid kit is essential. Having one that is lightweight and portable makes it even better! 

diy first aid kit
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    Sewing a DIY first aid kit may seem like an intimidating task, but with this tutorial and video it will be a breeze.  Plus, this pattern doubles as a great traveling makeup bag or bath essentials kit.

    Now, what should you put in your first aid kit?

    travel first aid kit diy

    What 10 things should be in your first aid kit?  

    It's always a trick to decide what the most important items to go in a first aid it.  You can find a lot of lists, but also remember it is about what works for YOU and your family.  This list just gives you an idea, but feel free to add or subtract items.

    1. Adhesive bandages: Band-Aids in different sizes will help to cover up cuts and scrapes. 

    2. Antiseptic wipes/sprays: These can be used to clean minor wounds and prevent infection. 

    3. Gauze pads: Ideal for covering larger wounds.

    4. Medical tape: Used for securing gauze or medical bandages, medical tape is a must-have item in any first aid kit. 

    5. Scissors: A pair of sharp scissors can come in handy when needing to cut gauze and medical tape. 

    6. Safety pins: Safety pins are useful for holding bandages in place or even clothing if necessary. 

    7. Tweezers: Tweezers will help to remove splinters, thorns and other objects stuck in the skin. 

    8. Disposable gloves: These can be worn to protect against infections when dealing with first aid procedures. 

    9. Antibiotic ointment: This will help to prevent infection and promote healing when applied to minor wounds. 

    10. Pain relief medication: Aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen are all suitable for providing relief from pain.

    BONUS:  Hot and cold packs: These can be used to reduce swelling or provide comfort from a sprain, strain, or other minor injury. 

    Travel at ease when you make your own diy first aid kit with this easy first aid kit sewing pattern.

    This traveling first aid kit can be customized using your favorite fabrics and fill it with items like adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, scissors, safety pins, etc.  Just remember that if you are flying, you may need to downsize some of the liquid items in your kit.

    Travel at ease when you make your own diy first aid kit with this easy first aid kit sewing pattern.

    How to Sew a Portable First Aid Kit Video

    DIY First Aid Kit Tutorial

    Materials Needed

    • 1/2 yard main fabric
    • 1/4 yard contrasting fabric
    • 2 zippers
    • 5" x 10" plastic film
    • Matching Thread

    First Aid Kit Cutting Chart

    2 - 10" x 14" fabric pieces

    1 - 10" x 14" batting piece

    1 - 10" x 14" fusible interfacing

    3- 2.5" x 10 fabric pieces

    2 - 2.5" x 10" mesh pieces

    4 - 1.5" x 10" fabric pieces

    1 - 5" x 10" plastic film

    2 - 14" zippers

    4 small scraps of fusible interfacing

    1 magnetic snap

    Matching thread

    how to sew a portable first aid kit
    Step 1
    Take two pieces of the 2.5" x 10" fabric and sandwich one side of the zipper in between the fabric layers.  Sew the layers together.

    diy first aid kit
    Step 2
    Press the layers of the fabric away from the zipper.  Topstitch along the folded edge of the fabric.  

    travel first aid kit diy
    Step 3
    Use one of the 1.5" x 10" piece and one of the film pieces.  Place them right sides together and stitch along the top edge at 1/4".

    Press fabric up towards the top of the kit.

    how to sew a portable first aid kit
    Step 4
    Stitch the fabric attached the the film to the other side of the zipper.  Topstitch along the folded edge next to the zipper.

    diy first aid kit
    Step 5
    Take a piece of the 1.5" x 10" piece of fabric and stitch, right sides together, with the bottom edge of the film.

    travel first aid kit diy
    Step 6
    Place a piece of the mesh to the base of the kit.  Stitch layers together.  Press mesh raw edge of the mesh towards the fabric side.  Topstitch.

    sew first aid kit
    Step 7
    Add a 1.5" piece of fabric to the bottom edge of the mesh, just like in step 6.  Press and topstitch so the mesh raw edge is towards the fabric.
    first aid kit sewing pattern
    Step 8
    Take the remaining mesh piece and the 1.5" x 10" fabric piece and stitch them with right sides together.  Press and topstitch.

    diy first aid kit
    Step 9
    Sandwich the zipper between the two mesh layers and stitch to the zipper.

    Stitch the final 2.5" x 10" piece to the bottom of the mesh piece from step 8.

    Place the entire zipper layer over one of the 10" x 14" fabric pieces and pin in place.  This will make up the inside layer of your kit.

    sew first aid kit
    Step 10
    Press a scrap piece of interfacing to the center top and center bottom of the zipper layers.  This is where you will place the snaps.

    diy first aid kit
    Step 11
    Add your snaps to the top and bottom of the kit.  Use the base of the snap to mark where it needs to go on the fabric.

    travel first aid kit diy
    Step 12
    Press interfacing to the wrong side of the outside fabric.  Place the batting layer on the wrong side of the outside fabric.  

    first aid kit sewing pattern
    Step 13
    With right sides together, place the outside layer and the inside pocket layers together.  Pin in place. 

    Stitch all the layers together using a 1/4" seam allowance.  Leaving a 2-3" opening at the bottom of the kit.  Clip the corners and turn the kit right side out.

    Press.  Carefully stitch the opening closed.

    diy first aid kit
    Step 14
    Topstitch down the center of the kit.  This will ensure you have two separate pockets and also help the kit to close and fold in half naturally.

    You did it!  You now have a super useful and cute diy first aid kit you can take on any adventure.  If the tutorial was confusing at all, make sure to watch the full video tutorial.  It will walk through each of the steps to sew the layers together and answer a lot of your questions.

    sew first aid kit

    Get the first aid kit sewing pattern

    Want the printable diy first aid kit pattern?  Simply click the button below to download.

    Travel at ease when you make your own diy first aid kit with this easy first aid kit sewing pattern.

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