Simple Ways to Use Crafting and Sewing as Me Time | Sew Simple Home
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Simple Ways to Use Crafting and Sewing as Me Time

Life is stressful and hard.  

Work, home, family.  There are so many factors that come into play and we can struggle with anxiety, depression and even overwhelm.

Does that sound like you?

It is super important to find ways to unwind and relax.  That is what sewing has become for me and can be for you.

This post contains affiliate links to products I recommend.  I do make a portion off any you may purchase.  See full disclosure here.

Over the past few years I have found that when I sew and craft, this is the perfect time for me to not only get some Me Time, but also to help me improve myself as a person, wife and mother.  

I've taken the few hours I spend crafting to listen to a good podcast or watch a webinar.  As I sew, I put in my earbuds and enjoy a good ebook or watch a show I've been behind on.  

While not everything I listen to and watch is for my ultimate improvement, there are several times that having these uplifting and strengthening programs to listen to have helped me improve my own outlook on myself and life.  This is what I call Sew and Grow.

What do I mean by Sew and Grow?  

I will admit, sometimes just a bit of peace and quiet is all I want when I work on a project.  But I also know that when I use my time wisely I get a lot more out of my Me Time.  

When I listen to an uplifting podcast, I get to Sew and Grow in my personal life.  When I watch a webinar that talks about the importance of spending time with your family, I Sew and Grow in my family life.  When I multi-task like this, I also just feel better about the time I spend enjoying my own craft.

That being said, it can be difficult to find great products and shows to listen to or watch.  I've put together a short list of some of the products I've enjoyed using over time to help me Sew and Grow. 

#1  Audiobooks
Listening to audiobooks is probably the easiest and most entertaining way to occupy your mind while crafting.  

Why?  Not only can you enjoy a great book, but books open your imagination which always helps you be more creative.  I enjoy listening to all sorts of audiobooks from Young Adult Novels to parenting books.

One way I find audiobooks for free is through my local library using the app Overdrive.   I can download the app right to my phone and browse through great books and it doesn't cost me a dime!!  I can connect to my bluetooth speaker and get my crafting on without missing a beat {or chapter}.

Another option is to sign up for an audiobook service like Audible by Amazon.  Audible has so many great audiobooks, including the parenting book I'm listening to right now.  

Just by signing up you will receive a 2 free audiobooks.  Plus, you can listen in the car or while at your kids soccer games too, not just while sewing.

Free Products to Listen to While Crafting and Sewing

#2 Podcasts
I love a good podcast.  One that inspires, uplifts and makes me laugh.  Here are a couple I enjoy listening to while creating.

Do you enjoy learning from other crafters or sewists?  You might enjoy Abby from While She Naps podcasts

Each episode is a new interview with some type of creative "maker".  Guests include people who sew, crochet, craft and design.  Each episode is informative and insightful.  

They last about 70 minutes and are a great way to pass the time and learn something new while you get your creative on.  This is a great way to learn from others and see how they have created successful businesses.  Especially if you are working to grow your own sewing or craft business.

My sweet friends Bonnie and Audrey also have one of the most fun and useful podcasts out there:  Outnumbered: The Podcast

These ladies have a combined total of 18 kids (although I believe it is growing as we speak).

They share parenting insights, stories and have great guests come on and talk with them.  Their stories are relatable and some times hilarious.  If you have or had kids, you will enjoy these two ladies.

#3 Stream Videos
I don't know about you, but I love all things Amazon.  Not only can I get anything I ever need shipped right to my door, but with Amazon Prime you have access to so many other great things like Prime shows or videos.  

What this means is you can access TV shows and movies for free with your membership.  I will admit, they can also have a lot of what I call "garbage shows".  

However, they do have some really great shows.  Some of my favorite shows to watch while I sew are Poldark, Dr. Who, and Downton Abbey, just to name a few.  They are all free on Amazon Prime.  

With your Prime membership, you also have access to Prime Music.  Which means if you don't want to watch a show, you can listen to some tunes instead.  

Free Products to Listen to While Crafting and Sewing

#4  YouTube
How about trying out YouTube?  There are SO many FREE choices of channels to watch and follow on YouTube.  

When you need some silly entertainment, go watch Jim Gaffigan the comedian.  

If you feeling like some yummy food, maybe pull up Tasty

Or if you want to watch sewing while you sew, head over to Sewing with Nancy.  Each of these sites have loads of free videos that will entertain you and also bring out your creative side.

You can even check out our Sew Simple Home YouTube channel.  We've got a bunch of great and quick tutorial videos.  You are sure to find something that you like.

Free Products to Listen to While Crafting and Sewing

These are just a few ways to keep your mind focused and happy.  What do you listen to while you sew and craft?

1 comment

  1. Yes, find a sewing community that is helpful and inspiring. That is wonderful that you have found a way to enjoy your time and make some money.


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